Thursday, November 25, 2021

My soul, the limiting factor


Lonely are those
in themselves,
As we would be
in absolute space
never unfolding
in lattice structure
never partaking
of divine grace.

And though time
be an enemy
and mass
weary our souls,
without this
space-time extension
our senses
would never know,

That life is an interval
of love
Space a function of time
Space-time an interval
of understanding
that given a moment, a universe
will synchronize,

A synthesis of love

 Being a (man) is sometimes
             (bipedal creature of unique intellect)
being gentle
Being a (woman) is sometimes
             (bipedal creature of unique intellect)
being firm

Not till you can peer over the edge
of your own abyss
and see my broken (life)
                              (an aggregate of local-energy
and forget self
and lose self
to (save) mine
    (ignoring the random and unwanted factors
      introduced … selflessness)

Sunday, October 3, 2021


I brought you joy and
spontaneous joy in seeing you
was mine
Can I describe spontaneous

It’s a rising tide inside
till the banks of the levee
are breached
an out-rushing river
with no more though of self
than a beached grain of sand.
Knowing that joy is in an ocean of
That was my heart
at sight of you.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Garden is the mirror of man

It wasn’t man that planted
that sowed the
first fruits
that bid heaven
water this earth.

Was soul there in void
to whisper
most secret wants?
A stream, a flower
a twinkling star
a patterned heavens, a mystery
to give thought.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Body Reformed

Cloth I wrap
a sluice of movement
and body-garbed

A slice of skin
flapping in terrific

Why not blow?

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Second Fall

Daniel Warren's complaint:
Horizontally I seek
always at right-angle
to the force.
My work theorem always empty
and my direction
without choice.

If only vertical were my dimension,
to be in tune
with fleeting moments
of sheer height.
It was that robbed from me
with my fall from

Monday, September 27, 2021

For you I can write love

I think of Donne’s
romance and understanding,
of sonnets too, too real
Of the bliss in How do I love thee
but also the self guile.

I don’t write easily of love
somehow the embarrassment
sets my hand uneasy
upon the page.
So why do you stir in me
these attempts to create more
than I can achieve?

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Bound Again

Your soul looks out from
behind your eyes
and would, I think,
leave that place
To meet me
between these worlds
and mingle here outside
of space.

And our spirits would soar
at moments of touch
like autumn leaves
in the wind
carrying the prayers of
deeply rooted trees
mingle and dance once
but not again.

Friday, September 24, 2021


You come to me and ask
the meaning
of this word.
How can I tell you?
How would I know?
I can drop you hints
point you in directions,
Wind you up with lessons taught me
watch you buckle and break

I never found the same meaning
In some way white had
become gray.
Never in my head was it clear
but just over there,
it was always that near.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


The flood-tide
of my soul
is more than universe
can contain
The pounding
heart of rhythm
drowns the sound
of star-rain

In universe
tonight there is
no vessel
that can stand
the strain
Yet you
hold my soul firmly
in your hand.

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Bond

 A couch of flowers
she offered
and there I stupidly lay
To see a man amply
again with this offering
God stood amazed

But there’s an emptiness
of the flesh
that creates a potential
to conduct
a touch
entire and quick
to fill him enough

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Virginia near the beach

Virginia near the beach
I pulled my love close
to me,
Her eyes never turned from
the horizon
at Norfolk near the sea.

How far to the horizon?
I asked my love
she said,
It’s forever to the horizon
forever and a day.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

If my heart were an emptiness

If my heart were
a flame
flickering in the wind
Would you cup your hands
in protection
till I grew strong again?

If my heart were
a snowflake
caught in an early spring
Would you flee with me
till I grew firm again?

Friday, September 17, 2021

For a maid

There was a time
you held a world for me
secret and secluded
from mine

It drew me near
as if to explore
ancient ways
in new lands

Thursday, September 16, 2021

I only mouth the words

on a chair
in soft afternoon light
from a window
She reclines at ease
with a
spring catalog
full of summer clothes.

Men tend to make
reality, she says.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Sleep my child, peaceful sleep

What do I tell my child
of megatons, of megatons
What do I tell my child?

What do I tell my child
of fallout fears, fallout fears
What do I tell my child?

Sleep my child, peaceful sleep.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The fleeting things

The fleeting things of
this world
are its beauty,
a flower, a sunny day
a shared moment
between friends

A young boy or girl
with little time
to be young
a late snow
in the early spring

Monday, September 13, 2021

Natural Universe

You never want to go anywhere
seeing as how you hold
what foolish nonsense a dance be.
But this time you’re going, by God,
so put on your best;
You’ll ride up front with me.

Can’t you feel the excitement from
over the ridge?
Why it’s a county social
for the great Independence Day.
Don’t start groaning
'bout how silly people get at these.
Just keep quiet
if you’ve got nothing good to say.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Farther up the hill

A butterfly yesterday morning
crossed the snowy April fields,
I suppose he was chasing his fancy
farther up the hill.

But then he veered from flight,
wild flowers down by the brook
had called to him quietly,
to come take a look.

Friday, September 10, 2021

The Naked Eye

“Father,” the boy said, “what is the quest
of man?”
“Why, nothing more than to see beyond
the naked eye my boy.”

They walked a time and a ways without

Thursday, September 9, 2021

To stay your smile

I miss the days that will never be
with you, here with me
I miss the laughs we would’ve shared
the lovers laugh
for no reason.

The future I miss more than
the past,
for the past will dim
but the future will always
be bright,
Held like a light just out of reach
never out of sight.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

... surely the people is grass

  The voice said, Cry.
And he said, what shall I cry?
All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof
is as the flower of the field;

The grass withereth,
the flower fadeth;
because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The winnowy dust mote

 Tired like the winnowy dust mote
I flote
'til down a swirl,
I whirl
I thought,
Decision made
I lade plans
with more might
than most motes.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Somewhere in this clay

Be quiet my soul
for there’s no one to hear
Your frustration I feel
pressing against my chest
and heart
Be careful there
you put too much strain
on my heart, my soul
be careful there.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

To loose the marble spell

Gaze at the marble block
see the grain that marks the cut
The tools of the sculptor
are in the hands
Strike a bold plan.

The shape therein
a brief moment is seen
Only to be lost in the flurry
of creation
As the chisels ordered precision
wedge-shapes the pale virgin.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Climax, is the Kill

African savannah
dark-skinned animal
the protein is in
the kill.

Stand and stalk
for the hunter walks
to sharpen his sight
on a new way of life.

Friday, September 3, 2021

So Why So Many ... ?

The truth,
great poets teach,
is the one Golden Bough
So why plant so many words?
So why continue to plough?

So why continue the harvest,
if the truth is known to man?
That good is one way in this world,
and evil the other plan.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Cutting

There was a flower cutting
over the sink
last morning
Drawing life
from careless spills.

From the wasted motions
of thoughtless strangers
As with a salve
its cut was healed.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A Southern Smile

Chair, the room with
white walls
Come… sit down to fry.

My body balloons with
a fever
Mother somewhere, cries…