Thursday, November 25, 2021

A synthesis of love

 Being a (man) is sometimes
             (bipedal creature of unique intellect)
being gentle
Being a (woman) is sometimes
             (bipedal creature of unique intellect)
being firm

Not till you can peer over the edge
of your own abyss
and see my broken (life)
                              (an aggregate of local-energy
and forget self
and lose self
to (save) mine
    (ignoring the random and unwanted factors
      introduced … selflessness)

And there high above
extend a hand
and pull another life-form up
from (misery, superstition, and spite)
         (mans local sphere of influence, ie…Earth)
will you know what being a man or a
wo-man truly is

Not till you rise above
can you know (love)
                       (the act of grace or the act of
                        receiving grace)

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