Thursday, September 9, 2021

To stay your smile

I miss the days that will never be
with you, here with me
I miss the laughs we would’ve shared
the lovers laugh
for no reason.

The future I miss more than
the past,
for the past will dim
but the future will always
be bright,
Held like a light just out of reach
never out of sight.

I forget the color of your eyes
and even your voice after awhile
but the future,
it still haunts me in the shape
of your sad sweet smile.

Your smile said too much,
that you were hurt
but too strong to acknowledge
that hurt,
Too young for innocence

I suffer my emotions
and give to you what you need,
A sad sweet canvas
on which to paint your dreams.

I excuse my deliverer
Holy I turn, to you,
A sad sweet canvas
to be so consumed.

My sorrow waxes great
Hurry!  I’m here for just awhile,
A sad sweet canvas
on which to stay your smile.

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