Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A Southern Smile

Chair, the room with
white walls
Come… sit down to fry.

My body balloons with
a fever
Mother somewhere, cries…

My man sits down to break-
sits down to food-feast.

My body longs a drink to health
longs a sad sweet sleep.

Rest easy my man I drift
All hail your toast and jam,

I taste your last bit of Oran-juice
Such soft shoulders in my hands.

A flip of wrists; neck-twist,
feel sadness,
a Southern lady screams in pain.

I’m drawn away to face the
looks like a sky-rain.

All is lost my body tossed
on a cool linen sheet,
Must have been a dream my friend
One dreamed quick before I sweet-sleeped.

“It was in all the papers,”
  said the man,
“So fine a Southern belle,
  the same morning he was
  fried, God rest him –“
  -- he smiled --
“God rest him in hell.”

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