Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Sleep my child, peaceful sleep

What do I tell my child
of megatons, of megatons
What do I tell my child?

What do I tell my child
of fallout fears, fallout fears
What do I tell my child?

Sleep my child, peaceful sleep.

What do I tell my child
of mangled dead, mangled dead
What do I tell my child?

What do I tell my child
of purulent sores, of purulent sores
What do I tell my child?

Sleep my child, peaceful child.

What do I tell my child
of running pus, and matted blood
What do I tell my child?

What do I tell my child
of the fetid stench of blackened bodies
What do I tell my child?

Sleep my child, peaceful sleep.

What do I tell my child
of his fathers love, his fathers love
What do I tell my child?

What do I tell my child
of this world I bequeath
What do I tell my child?

Sleep my child, peaceful sleep
sleep my child
peaceful child
my failures will break upon you
all too soon.

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