Saturday, January 15, 2022

The curve of love, the tragic curve

‘… the fundamental curve of love, I suppose.  It is the curve of all human powers (disregarding the plateau of learning, the checks upon decline) and it seems to be the curve of sexual excitement and discharge, which is after all the physical core of life.  What is this curve?  It is the fundamental path of any projectile…
                                                                                                                    Norman Mailer

At birth I was hurled
against my will.
As if the continuum
of a tragic curve.

Girded with motion
I pursued
the straight and narrow
till death demanded
my geometry rounded.

the Great Resistance
that natural inertia
I spent
my resources
to straighten an increasing
Only to fall short
and settle my wings
broken and tired.
To land inevitable
a lone flyer.

Now to find you here
at the target of
my parabola
Brings new hope
to pursue
the curve of love
To spiral with you
till ascension is
Would shout defiance
at universes laws
To display manifold
in arms and legs

To create the tetrahedral
un-needful of support
always firm and sound.
Our close heat
would warm to a start-burst
and give courage
to those inertia bound.

Give meaning to this
tragic curve
as I would have my life
for something more than fate
As I would be
something more than
a stone hurled at a target
Only your love could
reconcile me
to this curve
Yet only love
will free me from
this endless curving
I make.

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