Saturday, January 15, 2022

For love is a captive

If love were a captive 
and came to you in chains
And gave to you the key 
would love with you remain? 
Would love with you remain 
with rattle and scrape of chains 
As if across some dungeon-ed floor 
toiled love forevermore? 
And would love forevermore 
be locked behind some pinnacled door
Be manacled by some rusting chain 
just so, with you, could love remain? 
If I were love 
and you held the key 
Would you choose for me chains 
or choose to set me free?
And if you choose 
to set me free 
Would I be love…? 
For love is a captive 
given as a spoil 
And even with key in reach 
Love of itself will choose to toil. 

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