Saturday, January 15, 2022

Passage Grave

My passage grave
is made
in this long dawn

Some four thousand
years hence
he will be along

To sift my bones
and my meager

And measure my skull
and write a
four-thousand word essay

I'm becoming quiet

I’m becoming quiet
consuming less
I’m trying to trade
the schemes
for pleasantness

I’ve grown acclimed
to finding
in a line
more meaning
than lies
before my eyes

I’m believing
that my peace
is worth more to me
than recognition
of my worth
in other's eyes

What would she do?

At night
I did
go to sleep
and wish
my love
sweet dreams

At night
I did go
to bed
and give
to my love
one last kiss

The Operation

There’s no choice
but operation
it's said as casual
as some might

There’s no choice
but walking
the rest
of the way.

There’s no assurance
or reassurance
but statistics
are on my side.

Any questions
I may have
will all be answered
in due time.
But only one
that I have
is never answered


All you can ever be

You live with her
but you’re not at home
a guest in a house

The source of her
disappointment’s unknown
nameless and unknowable

A previous marriage
that was no home
ended badly

But for a few days

She plants flowers
she looks angry
the child is at play

I wonder why
the scowling face?
after so many days
have passed away

Is she happy?
she works at it
the child is a jabber-box

She commands
he, the child, pretends
and then
goes his busy way

You're always here

(For Mary)

That was your car
they took away
I wonder where

I did believe
there was something
of you
still there

I don’t know
the whole story
I wasn’t privy

And details
aren’t important
when there’s love
for somebody

Can you will the wind

The house
the night
and you

The will
to fight
the wind
that shakes

But can
you will
the wind

Because we choose

How do we choose to die?
I mean,
for some the choice is made,
but others choose.

Contrary to some
you are not a dying machine.
Every corpuscle of your being
strives to live
And knows no other way
yet you die
and some choose.

And if a body is dying
you have no choice
But no corpus of the body
not one cell
attends to this
cessation of living.

Random Decay

there’s a falling away
there’s an ending day
there’s a word to say
whose time has passed

there’s a looseness inside
there’s a pain alive
where soundness before
you could ignore

there’s a place familiar
where many an hour would deliver
a fullness to life
that no longer survives

Once a road

Once a road
is changed
by forces
wielded by man

It becomes a path
that no one
at last
can walk down

Once a field
is lost
to the clean scrape
of heavy machinery

It’s like a dream
once dreamed
then nothing

My love for her

I apologize
but am not forgiven
If I were perfect
how would I
make a living
of apologizing
every day
I’m given?

She forgets
but is not forgotten
If I were memorable
how could she
have forgotten
my love
Once her only begotten
that now she
remembers only
as never really being loved?

Stop my heart

There are things
left unsaid
There are years
left unlived.

There are days

There are looks
left un-exchanged
There are touches
left, that still remain.

If I were a poem

If I were snow
I’d leave before
my welcome
I out stayed

If I were night rain
I’d dry before
the coming


I have often wondered
at the convergence of two paths
and the angle

As you seemed to be
in one way extreme
and I the other way
was cast

And yet as canthi
naturally form at last
to guide the vision
of lover
to loved

Picasso by the door

Picasso by the door
would say
You two, with circators’ souls
working as day labourers,
not allowed.

Love Does

You ask me what
I want
from you,
I want nothing
love wants.

You ask me why
I long
for you,
I don’t
love longs.

You ask me why
my attraction
to you,
I know not
love knows.

You ask me why
I wait
for you,
I don’t
love does.


In the day when I paint
I slip a brush in my pocket
And carry the easel
to a side street

And there from tubes of blues
I make costly mistakes
of more than hue
when we last did meet.

Love's impress

Quit my tears
you waste this page
If love were a
dozen roses then
I would be loved.

If love were a
remembered occasion
or kind word
when needed
then I
would be loved.

If I found love
in a catalog
and sent it to you
Would you exchange
it for something
less true?

For love is a captive

If love were a captive 
and came to you in chains
And gave to you the key 
would love with you remain? 
Would love with you remain 
with rattle and scrape of chains 
As if across some dungeon-ed floor 
toiled love forevermore? 
And would love forevermore 
be locked behind some pinnacled door
Be manacled by some rusting chain 
just so, with you, could love remain? 
If I were love 
and you held the key 
Would you choose for me chains 
or choose to set me free?
And if you choose 
to set me free 
Would I be love…? 
For love is a captive 
given as a spoil 
And even with key in reach 
Love of itself will choose to toil. 

Love, forever, is inhuman

Love, forever, is inhuman
for tragic tear
dries away
for sorrow slips
and fear fades
even hope
fails the grave.

In creation find beauty
new meaning
is given a new beginning
to procreations sin.

Yet what child cowers in the womb?
love, forever, inhuman
without meaning, stillborn.

Real Company

I sit and wait
the darkness outside
and the long row of
ceiling lights
casting the mirror
from a plain panel
of glass

Til darkness
beyond this world
an ever ending hall
and nether world casts
its dimming rays
up and down this cavern long

And swelling expectation
fears and even hope
keep me gazing
in quest of an end
and maybe a friend
beyond the window
three stories up

Sails may fill

I am the spirit of
Fuller, Whitman and Ives
I ply the creative craft of this land
and have no home.

My fellow man, my accuser,
to him I seek to give
All my life an endless pouring
of my soul and my health.

Accused not of greatness
but of difference
they want to make a commune
of my novel self.

The curve of love, the tragic curve

‘… the fundamental curve of love, I suppose.  It is the curve of all human powers (disregarding the plateau of learning, the checks upon decline) and it seems to be the curve of sexual excitement and discharge, which is after all the physical core of life.  What is this curve?  It is the fundamental path of any projectile…
                                                                                                                    Norman Mailer

At birth I was hurled
against my will.
As if the continuum
of a tragic curve.

Girded with motion
I pursued
the straight and narrow
till death demanded
my geometry rounded.

The tetrahedral

 No personal attest-ment
escapes me,
for further I seek
always afar.
The two-ness of universe
prepares me,
radiation-ally angular
vertex forming stars.

All lines seeking
in spirals,
not conditioning, partitioning
the truth.
All rivers here on earth
flowing like tensors,
to the greater oneness
of two.

Common Sense

Man is centrifugal
he seeks outward
he searches about-ward
never knowing inward
is the beginning of direction.

Universe is centripetal
always whirling inward
center-seeking free-ward
never knowing outward
is the conscious choice.

I think herein lies a complement
of forces:
             <-<-<-   ->->->
              in                 out