Sunday, February 26, 2023

Look away, look away

Grey man of clay
when I was two
was I as guilty as you?

Vengeance in that day
osmotic through time
percolates into this rhyme

When I was four
Did I greet servitude
at the door?

Comes the day
freedom ringing
bullets singing

When I was eight
Was I late
for the blood of the conquered?

But in occupied land
with silent citizens
Another I did stand, in truth

When I was sixteen
Did I dream
of servitude to a you?

The older I believes
the more I become
like some
But then it is
of my own doing

and not the immoderate past
or the inherited destiny
of a grey man
of clay
Look away, look away


See “The Immoderate Past” by C. Hugh Holmann

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