Sunday, February 26, 2023

America among the ruins

“In New York the opportunities . . . for acquiring a culture that shall not come out of the ruins but belong to life, are probably greater than anywhere else in the world. “

Thomas Wolfe

Imagine living a life among the ruins
Culture & music & art of the long departed
Some good, some great, but much that is poor
And you’re, constant sorting of such

Imagine living a life among the dead,
Above the dead, in love with the dead
Given names, taken names, inherited names
And you’re, constantly trying to make such a name

Now imagine a life rooted in rebirth
In constant promise of new art, new music,
& new rhyme
It’s true, much that is poor and forgotten
But the good and the great constantly increase

Imagine a life with the reverent dead in their
place and you in yours
Naming names from inspired natural world
Place names, town names, mountain names
river names given rebirth

Now, imagine America among the ruins
along side the dead
adhered to the past
or to forge ahead

An old and weary world
would wish for the passing
of a young America that is not lasting
but must choose:

To reserve a place among the ruins
or to preserve a future
where rebirth awaits,
such are its choices


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