Sunday, January 15, 2023


We are the little men 
we are the small men
we are not captains of industry
or counters of currency.

We are the vacant
with our party rant
filling the empty silence
between the coupling pairs.

With a bravado
we market our wares
to a suspecting world
which nonetheless
stares transfixed
at our transfiguration.

Yet we never change
just empty
And compelled
we make
a sizeable new investment
in our vested history
of fairy tales.

All males
should come to the aid
All females
should do the same
so that when the melting
is through,
the congealed mass
is less
than the whole, truth

Nothing but the truth
For the little men,
the last inheritors
of a wondrous land
No one can stand
A monstrous land
made for small men
by their small hands.


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