Sunday, January 15, 2023

Wisteria Blossoms

April is the cruelest
now I know
with wisteria in bloom
on melting snow.

When stirrings
take root
becoming thoughts
that overarch
then quickly
fall apart.

It’s cause of this
that April begins
to waste
winter hopes
of seeing her again.


Down the basin slides
a spider
two, four, six, eight legs
no avail.

Down into darkness slides
a civilization
Roman, Greek or more ancient
over and over fail.

close to the drains edge
lands the spider
an errant turn
and in darkness, spends his days.

Scop & Kennings

Scop and kennings               (poet, compound noun)
and singings
Beginnings and endings
like many
the pact
Knight of learning
in fen-fastness and
moor-marsh                          (empty places)
An emptiness
for the wan heart (empty)
Cunnon-can (still in something, can do)
as man
is skilled
in the
uht-dawn (rosy, misty pre-dawn)
he finds
the many
wer killed (man, being)
searo and (magic)
holy magic
when pleasure
becomes law
and yeare (year)
follows yeare
til again
the fall



Woman is receptacle
vestigial regenerate
of a history
that’s mystery
to most men.

And she burdens
all things
with questions
of futures
and plans.

Woman as nature
can’t savor
the spiritual
that takes to man
as he to woman
in turn.

I resent love

I resent love
for it brought to me
And having brought you
continued longer
than we two.

And though you left
love stayed
And continues to this day
and reminds me
though you have been long

My resentment
you can understand
is not towards you
but this itinerant
which seems
loves’ plan.


God has godplans
and how would I
one iota?

Yet each religion
assures me
the cipher
they hold
(and they alone).

This from men
that can’t understand
when reality
conflicts with pen.

It’s just a pen
in the hand of men
the maker
never typed
a page.

Don't Set Your Heart

My love
don’t set your heart
so hard against me
For you have
only yourself
to blame
or chance
or maybe fate

My love
I had my heart
contained against you
and any others
that sought
to open same
by deed
or maybe device

My love
you brought out
the remains
of my childish
of happy ever after
and laughter,
and ‘for life’

A life, with you

I sit and am pensive
then panic
then despair
then resolute, I continue

The written letters
not answered
not shared
not read, I fear

I’ve only a slight chance
less than that
less than none
less hopeful, I am

The End of History

It’s the end of history
let Finnegan sit up
another tankard
of w’iskey
pour his cup!

Those I’ish need
a brooming
for their blooming

A such and
a sound
a stave
in the ground.


Swept into the tidepools
from an existing life
we find the challenge changing

We are separate now
from the wide ocean
and it’s maul and churn

In the tidepool
we’re bound to
all life in manner

The Company

There are rumors
that long ago
the one company
had been a multitude

But now I doubt
that such a fantasy
could ever have been

Why would there be
other companies?

When our one company
in our one world
knows all that’s best
for me and you

Reading Henry Adams

“Such a working system for the universe suited a young man who had just helped waste five or ten thousand millions dollars and a million lives, more or less, to enforce uniformity…”

Henry Adams, 1867-68

Natural selection
to natural evolution
to select uniformity

Here was a
that mankind
could live for
or die,
as the case may be

Hell is for the strong

I have wondered
what has fantasy given
the country boy?

An ancestor of
the monkeys
in his skull?

One last sword in hand
backed by muscle taut
he takes his stand


The drive to one world
is a primal drive
for survival

For revival
of the one cell
before there were two

Somewhere in reduction
we’ve lost the encompassing
of vast differences
and often truths

Men like air

She would have
you believe
a breakfast
of champions
she craves

She would pretend
are revealed
to the depraved

And she would laugh,
At all the bright, best
passing her tests.


They have passed me by
still I sit
for I know
they will spin like

And their knowing
is no deeper
And not as new
as the incantations
of Huru-kun.

I will find them
some day in this
as they will find

When they realize
what is old
is their race
to find,



Evolution will destroy
the individual,
will sacrifice
the individual

It may be curiosity
or search for meaning
that fuels the desire
to evolve

It may be

But it will involve
the death
of the individual,
no doubt

It will involve
the death
of you and me.



We are the little men 
we are the small men
we are not captains of industry
or counters of currency.

We are the vacant
with our party rant
filling the empty silence
between the coupling pairs.

With a bravado
we market our wares
to a suspecting world
which nonetheless
stares transfixed
at our transfiguration.

Yet we never change
just empty
And compelled
we make
a sizeable new investment
in our vested history
of fairy tales.

Why is it, Mr. Eliot

Why is it less tragic
Mr. Eliot
the loss of innocence
in these times?

Did you cram
for the poem
as exam?

Did you, critic
have emotion
only for critique?

Tree slants

Tree slants
in an open field
why does it give
and not grow true?

Tree slants
in an open field
it must give
or break 

Tree slants
in an open field
it has to yield
to greater force

To a Futurian

Here in America
apoplectic Democracy,
we treat of man
a creature-politic

An aggregate
of voters
to be polled
so that others
how to vote

No pulse
to this life
Alleghany or not
no right
to pride
that can’t be bought

Here in America
our economy,
our rulers
haven’t the decency
to be
Great Personalities

There is no poetry

There is no poetry
but personal
All other
is journal

As in memory
there is no eternal
only forgettings
and forgotten

So why theory
draws breath
with personal reminisce
I can only guess

Is some
static need
to grip life
in a stasis

Snip, snip, snip

When they have your genotype
will it be long
Before they find the snip
that’s in sequence wrong

Abnormal pathology
will be the tag
you wear

As soon as the computer
shows them
you’ll get the stare

No matter where you go
the record once created

Need to be

God, the rain still falls
Even on the concrete
here in the city

The clouds hang low
obscuring our follies
and sizing them to human scale

Without the sounds of sirens
you could almost believe
you’re hearing the natural world

Rain has no purpose
except its natural
But the city as machine does

And that’s the difference
I have no purpose
as a good city street

And that’s the difference
Machine as purpose becomes
rain manifests nonesuch

Perhaps when our machines
become creation
they’ll not need rain

It would have no purpose
but block the systems’
one source of all energy, the sun

No need for rain
No need for me
or any creation
that just has need
to be


I doubt it not

‘We begin to live when we have conceived life as tragedy.’

There are a few that believe
the flowers waste of time
blooming in spring
Disappearing in the sun
I refute it, thus,
Such is life.

There are some that believe
a useless brutish sort
of life is lived
by the lesser species
I think it not, cause,
Such is life.

A pound of justice

Hey old man,
you in jail,
they gave you paper
to pad your cell
not to poem on.

What were
you thinking?
Writing your
when you
should be

Hey old man
what were you waiting?
Some great
from a sleeping world.