Sunday, June 5, 2022

A Centripetal Force

If music isn’t life
then life isn’t a play
And there on opening night
How does it begin
A play of words?
As curtain ascends
A character on stage
Brings music to a halt
Treading words in a line
The troop carries on
til half-way at intermission
I notice others in my row
no one I know

I half-nod in recognition
And remove to promenade
Paintings hang in light
Careful crafts, ornate décor
More than men have drawn
this space
in mind and on page
than stand here in lobby
or there on stage
And now I have to ask
Though some will never attend
if line and staff and frame
have not drawn them here
What is the source
they seek
If not the word drawn line
unless of course you think
it just
a centripetal force


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